Kate Serpe grew up in SLC, and has been ripping up the Wasatch mountains since she was 2 years old. She learned how to ski from her dad and how to be fearless from her mom. If a sport or activity that makes her friends and family nervous, she’s immediately all about it. Skijoring seemed the natural next step in her skiing evolution, and immediately fell in love when she participated in her first season last year.
Leanna Lewis Francis grew up in Kamas on the back of a horse. She was a PCRA Rodeo Queen, chased cows, raced barrels, and now competes in numerous other equine genres. But her favorite has been tearing it up and winning at Skijoring for 7 years!
HORSE: Awesome Sauce
- N/a
RIDER: Leanna Lewis-Francis
SKIER: Kate Serpe
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